@unpublished{publication-23300, author={Lichand, Guilherme and Leal-Neto, Onicio and Phuka, John and Chipojola, Roselyn and Laher, Beverly and Enlow, Michelle Bosquet and Sidamon-Eristoff, Anne Elizabeth and Quigley, Kelsey and Weisleder, Adriana and Lew-Williams, Casey and Garcia, Paola and Carstensen, Alexandra and Kosie, Jessica and Okocha, Asana and Robles, Daniel and Paolotti, Daniela and Tomaselli, Nicoló and Ogando, Laura and Cattuto, Ciro and Carneiro, Pedro}, doi={10.2139/ssrn.4162049}, institution={University of Zurich}, issn={1556-5068}, number=4162049, pages=20, series={SSRN}, title={The early childhood development replication crisis, and how wearable technologies could help overcome it}, year=2022, }