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Contribution Details

Type Conference or Workshop Paper
Scope Discipline-based scholarship
Published in Proceedings Yes
Title The global brain semantic web : Interleaving human-machine knowledge and computation
Organization Unit
  • Abraham Bernstein
Presentation Type paper
Item Subtype Original Work
Refereed Yes
Status Published in final form
  • English
Page Range 1 - 6
Event Title ISWC2012 Workshop on What will the Semantic Web Look Like 10 Years From Now?
Event Type workshop
Event Location Boston, MA
Event Start Date November 11 - 2012
Event End Date November 15 - 2012
Place of Publication Boston, MA
Abstract Text Abstract : Before the Internet most collaborators had to be sufficiently close by to work together towards a certain goal. Now, the cost of collaborating with anybody anywhere on the world has been reduced to almost zero. As a result large-scale collaboration between humans and computers has become technically feasible. In these collaborative setups humans can carry the part of the weight of processing. Hence, people and computers become a kind of “global brain” of distributed interleaved human-machine computation (often called collective intelligence, social computing, or various other terms). Human computers as part of computational processes, however, come with their own strengths and issues.In this paper we take the underlying ideas of Bernstein et al. [1] regarding three traits on human computation—motivational diversity, cognitive diversity, and error diversity—and discuss them in the light of a Global Brain Semantic Web.
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Additional Information In conjunction with the 11th International Semantic Web Conference 2012 (ISWC 2012)