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Contribution Details

Type Working Paper
Scope Discipline-based scholarship
Title Is the Welfare State Sustainable? Experimental Evidence on Citizens' Preferences for Redistribution
Organization Unit
  • Ilja Neustadt
  • Peter Zweifel
  • English
Institution University of Zurich
Series Name Working paper series / Socioeconomic Institute
Number No. 1003
Date 2010
Abstract Text The sustainability of the welfare state ultimately depends on citizens’ preferences for income redistribution. They are elicited through a Discrete Choice Experiment performed in 2008 in Switzerland. Attributes are redistribution as GDP share, its uses (the unemployed, old-age pensioners, people with ill health etc.), and nationality of bene?ciary. Estimated marginal willingness to pay (WTP) is positive among those who deem bene?ts too low, and negative otherwise. However, even those who state that government should reduce income inequality exhibit a negative WTP on average. The major ?nding is that estimated average WTP is maximum at 21% of GDP, clearly below the current value of 25%. Thus, the present Swiss welfare state does not appear sustainable.
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