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Contribution Details

Type Other Publication
Scope Discipline-based scholarship
Title Design and Prototypical Implementation of an Accounting System for an AAA Server
Organization Unit
  • Adrian Bachmann
How Published
Date August 2005
Abstract Text The key aim of this thesis work is to design and prototypically implement the Accounting module for an AAA server, based on the Generic AAA Architecture defined in RFC 2903 and Diameter protocol specifications. The resulting protocol and architecture shall provide a solution for offering accounting services to a Mobile Grid. It will also be used at a later stage together with various charging models for creating a charging mechanism for future mobile grids. A mobile grid environment, by its heterogenos nature brings new challenges to all the tree A-s in a traditional AAA environment. Regarding the accounting proccess, new types of resources have to be accounted for which require new parameters that have to be present in accounting records. Besides the traditional accounting of time, bytes, and packets, a grid service might need to account for CPU usage, memory consumption, or even accessed/containing information. The accounting module shall provide generic interfaces for possibly different monitoring entities that adapt to the type of resource being accounted for. The access to accounted for data shall be secure and reliable. Secure in this context means that accounted for records for a certain service can be created by certain entities that are aproved by that service provider. This requirement can be realized using X.509 certificates or other kind of credential tokens. Encryption of accounting messages shall be offered as a communication option between the AAA client and the AAA server. Reliability refers to the posibility of retreiving the accurate accounting information for a certain service/resource usage for charging consumptions.
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