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Contribution Details

Type Journal Article
Scope Discipline-based scholarship
Title Med-easi: Finely annotated dataset and models for controllable simplification of medical texts
Organization Unit
  • Chandrayee Basu
  • Rosni Vasu
  • Michihiro Yasunaga
  • Qian Yang
Item Subtype Original Work
Refereed Yes
Status Published electronically before print/final form (Epub ahead of print)
  • English
Journal Title arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.09155
Geographical Reach international
Page Range 1 - 9
Date 2023
Abstract Text Automatic medical text simplification can assist providers with patient-friendly communication and make medical texts more accessible, thereby improving health literacy. But curating a quality corpus for this task requires the supervision of medical experts. In this work, we present MedEASi (Medical dataset for Elaborative and Abstractive Simplification), a uniquely crowdsourced and finely annotated dataset for supervised simplification of short medical texts. Its expert-layman-AI collaborative annotations facilitate controllability over text simplification by marking four kinds of textual transformations: elaboration, replacement, deletion, and insertion. To learn medical text simplification, we fine-tune T5-large with four different styles of inputoutput combinations, leading to two control-free and two controllable versions of the model. We add two types of controllability into text simplification, by using a multi-angle training approach: position-aware, which uses in-place annotated inputs and outputs, and position-agnostic, where the model only knows the contents to be edited, but not their positions. Our results show that our fine-grained annotations improve learning compared to the unannotated baseline. Furthermore, position-aware control generates better simplification than the position-agnostic one. The data and code are available at
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