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Contribution Details

Type Bachelor's Thesis
Scope Discipline-based scholarship
Title The Implementation of Basel III: A descriptive analysis of the effects on Swiss banks
Organization Unit
  • Nils Anliker
  • Emanuela Benincasa
  • Steven Ongena
  • English
Institution University of Zurich
Faculty Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics
Date 2021
Abstract Text This thesis examines the underlying reasoning behind the introduction of Basel III and the impact of the framework on the Swiss banking sector. The thesis provides a summary of the literature regarding the characteristics of banks and the associated market imperfections, as well as a descriptive analysis of the balance sheet of a set of Swiss banks. The main findings of this analysis are that the sample banks reacted in a similar way to the introduction of Basel III. Most sample banks reduced their lending in form of non-mortgage loans as a share of their total balance sheet assets, mainly by reducing the granting of non-mortgage loans to companies and retail customers. Moreover, within the scope of the thesis, it was shown that the sample banks change the focus of their granting of loans, non-mortgage loans were either reduced or grown at lower rate than the mortgage loans. Thus, the banks increasingly focused on lending in the form of mortgage loans rather than on non-mortgage loans.
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