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Contribution Details

Type Master's Thesis
Scope Discipline-based scholarship
Title The effects of Covid-19 on payout and governance
Organization Unit
  • Stefanie Schöni
  • Christoph Wenk Bernasconi
  • Per Nils Anders Östberg
  • English
Institution University of Zurich
Faculty Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics
Number of Pages 69
Date 2021
Abstract Text This thesis aims to shed light on whether and how UK, German, Austrian and Swiss stock listed firms usedthe unprecedentedsituation caused byCovid-19as an opportunity to postpone dividends and thereby secure bridge financingfrom equity holders.Across the four analysed jurisdictions, 26.1% of index-listedcompanies postponed their annual general meetings (AGMs). On average, the AGMswerepostponed by approximately two months. Postponers showeda lower dividend yield than non-postponers. The results from the probit analysis showeda negative relationshipbetween cash reserves and AGM postponementsand that more liquid firms were less likely to postpone their AGMs.
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