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Contribution Details

Type Working Paper
Scope Discipline-based scholarship
Title A comment on the newly revised “2015 version” of the UEFA Club Licensing and Financial Fair Play Regulations
Organization Unit
  • Egon Franck
  • English
Institution University of Zurich
Series Name UZH Business Working Paper Series
Number 362
ISSN 2296-0422
Number of Pages 30
Date 2016
Abstract Text UEFA has revised its Club Licensing and Financial Fair Play Regulations in June 2015 (new FFP). Based on a conceptual analysis of the main components of new FFP – the Break-Even Requirement (BER), the Fair Market Value Principle (FVP) and the concept of Voluntary Agreements (VA) – this comment arrives to the following main conclusions: New FFP follows old FFP in creating hard budget constraints for football managers and in discriminating against “payroll gifts” and therefore against benefactors that are willing to inject money in exchange for “pure” sporting success. But new FFP is now less vulnerable to the allegation that it discriminates against true entrepreneurs wishing to develop mismanaged football clubs into sustainable businesses. The new concept of Voluntary Agreements (VA)gives them more flexibility to invest, particularly in such environments where quality is only slowly remunerated by the football markets.
Other Identification Number merlin-id:18187
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