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Contributions in Merlin

Show abstractJohn Hassler, José V Rodríguez Mora, Kjetil Storesletten, Fabrizio Zilibotti, The survival of the welfare state, American Economic Review, Vol. 93 (1), 2003. (Journal Article)
Show abstractFabio Rinaldi, James Dowdall, Michael Hess, Kaarel Kaljurand, Magnus Karlsson, The role of technical Terminology in Question Answering, In: Terminologie et Intelligence Artificielle, TIA-2003, Strasbourg, France, March 2003. (Conference or Workshop Paper)
Show abstractUschi Backes-Gellner, Die duale Berufsbildung ist besser als ihr Ruf: eine übereilte Akademisierung schwächt den Standort Schweiz, In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 44, p. 27, 22 February 2003. (Newspaper Article)
Show abstractAlexander Wagner, Understanding exchange rate policy announcements: A political economy approach, Journal of public and international affairs, Vol. 14 (1), 2003. (Journal Article)
Show abstractRobert N Stavins, Alexander Wagner, Gernot Wagner, Interpreting sustainability in economic terms: Dynamic efficiency plus intergenerational equity, Economics Letters, Vol. 79 (3), 2003. (Journal Article)
Show abstractNiels Jungbluth, Carmen Tanner, Evidence for the coincidence effect in environmental judgments: Why isn't it easy to correctly identify environmentally friendly food products?, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, Vol. 9 (1), 2003. (Journal Article)
Carmen Tanner, Steps to Transdisciplinary Sustainability Research, Human Ecology Review, Vol. 10 (2), 2003. (Journal Article)
Show abstractPablo Koch Medina, Sandro Merino, Mathematical Finance and Probability, Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, 2003. (Book/Research Monograph)
Show abstractMartin Natter, Andreas Mild, DELI: an interactive new product development tool for the analysis and evaluation of market research data, Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for Marketing, Vol. 12 (1), 2003. (Journal Article)
Show abstractHeinz Bach, Andreas Mild, Martin Natter, Andreas Weber, Combining socio-demographic and logistic factors to explain the generation and collection of waste paper, Resources, Conservation, and Recycling, Vol. 41 (1), 2003. (Journal Article)
André C. Wohlgemuth, Management Consulting – quo vadis?, IO new management, Vol. 72 (9), 2003. (Journal Article)
André C. Wohlgemuth, Association of Management consultants Switzerland (ASCO), In: The International Guide to Management Consultancy : The Evolution, Practice and structure of Management Consultancy Worldwide., Kogan Page, London, p. 420 - 422, 2003. (Book Chapter)
Show abstractSteven Ongena, David C Smith, Dag Michalsen, Firms and their distressed banks: lessons from the Norwegian banking crisis, Journal of Financial Economics, Vol. 67 (1), 2003. (Journal Article)
Show abstractStefano Battiston, Gérard Weisbuch, Eric Bonabeau, Decision spread in the corporate board network, Advances in Complex Systems, Vol. 6 (4), 2003. (Journal Article)
Bruno Staffelbach, Eine Strategie für die Universität, UniLU Aktuell: Newsletter der Universität Luzern (4), 2003. (Journal Article)
Ursin Bernard, B. Metzger, Bruno Staffelbach, Der Einfluss der Telearbeit auf die Identifikation mit dem Unternehmen: Empirisch analysiert am Beispiel einer Versicherungsunternehmung, Zeitschrift für Arbeitsforschung, Arbeitsgestaltung und Arbeitspolitik, Vol. 12 (2), 2003. (Journal Article)
Bruno Staffelbach, Ethik und Betriebswirtschaft - ein Widerspruch?, In: Berichte des Instituts für Wirtschaftsethik: Nr. 100. Was bewegt die St.Galler Wirtschaftsethik? 14 Einschätzunge "von aussen" , Institut für Wirtschaftsethik, St. Gallen, p. 31 - 32, 2003. (Book Chapter)
Bruno Staffelbach, Barbara Brenzikofer, Reputation von Professoren als Führungsmittel in Universitäten, In: Hochschulreform in Europa - konkret. Österreichs Universitäten auf dem Weg vom Gesetz zur Realität , Leske + Budrich, Opladen, p. 183 - 208, 2003. (Book Chapter)
Markus Leippold, Fabio Trojani, Market Risk: A Primer, In: Risk and Risky Management, National Centre of Competence in Research, Zürich, p. 36 - 39, 2003. (Book Chapter)
Markus Leippold, Barbara Doebeli, Paolo Vanini, From Operational Risk to Operational Excellence, In: Advances in operational risk management : firm-wide issues for financial institutions, RISK Publications, London, p. 239 - 252, 2003. (Book Chapter)