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Contributions in Merlin

Stephan Nüesch, Are multinational teams more successful?, In: Seminar "Personnel Economics" with Ed Lazear. 2011-02-06. (Conference Presentation)
Urs Wenger, Alt oder Jung: Wer ist innovativer?, In: NZZ, 30, p. 79, 5 February 2011. (Newspaper Article)
Show abstractBruno Frey, Happy people live longer, Science, Vol. 331 (6017), 2011. (Journal Article)
Urs Meister, Stromversorgung - Neue AKW und private Investoren, In: Handelszeitung, 5, p. 7, 3 February 2011. (Newspaper Article)
Anastasia Filimon, Hedge Fund Fraud prediction using classification algorithms, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics, Business Administration and Information Technology, 2011. (Master's Thesis)
Johanna Baur, Kundenbindungs- und -segmentierungs-Strategien im schweizerischen Private Banking, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics, Business Administration and Information Technology, 2011. (Bachelor's Thesis)
Stefan Weber, Staatsgarantie der Kantonalbanken als Risiko für die Kantone, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics, Business Administration and Information Technology, 2011. (Master's Thesis)
Raffael Willi, Microfinance - Ein Ansatz zur Studienfinanzierung?, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics, Business Administration and Information Technology, 2011. (Bachelor's Thesis)
Tamara Nielsen, Reasons for the recent increase in the Libor-OIS spread, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics, Business Administration and Information Technology, 2011. (Bachelor's Thesis)
Ivan Iliev, Value-at-Risk for Structured Products, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics, Business Administration and Information Technology, 2011. (Bachelor's Thesis)
Seo Young Kwon, An Analysis of the Impact of Changing the Pre-margin Level on the Proportion of Individual Investors in the KOSPI200 Option Market, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics, Business Administration and Information Technology, 2011. (Bachelor's Thesis)
Show abstractAlbulen Kastrati, Portfolio-Optimierung nach Black-Litterman und Markowitz, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics, Business Administration and Information Technology, 2011. (Bachelor's Thesis)
Markus Mühlemann, Insuring Biodiversity Conservation Using Financial Derivatives, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics, Business Administration and Information Technology, 2011. (Master's Thesis)
Show abstractDimitrios Papastathis, Auswirkungen einer gezielten Dividendenpolitik auf die Aktienrendite einer Unternehmung im europäischen Raum, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics, Business Administration and Information Technology, 2011. (Bachelor's Thesis)
Show abstractTino Schmid, Preismomentum am Beispiel des Swiss Market Index (SMI) und des Deutschen Aktienindex (DAX), University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics, Business Administration and Information Technology, 2011. (Bachelor's Thesis)
Thomas Erdoesi, Dynamic Hedging of Swiss Stock Options during the Financial Crisis using GARCH: An Empirical Investigation, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics, Business Administration and Information Technology, 2011. (Bachelor's Thesis)
Show abstractChristin Forstinger, Alexander Wagner, Der Mehr(wert) von wert(e)orientierter Philanthropie, Der Schweizer Treuhänder (12), 2011. (Journal Article)
Show abstractUlrike Malmendier, Stefan Nagel-Riedasch, Depression Babies: Do Macroeconomic Experiences Affect Risk-Taking?, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 126 (1), 2011. (Journal Article)
Show abstractMarc Chesney, Ganna Reshetar, Mustafa Karaman, The impact of terrorism on financial markets: an empirical study, Journal of Banking and Finance, Vol. 35 (2), 2011. (Journal Article)
Show abstractChristian Jonathan Kascha, Carsten Trenkler, Bootstrapping the likelihood ratio cointegration test in error correction models with unknown lag order, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, Vol. 55 (2), 2011. (Journal Article)