Jérôme Gretener, Economic and Financial Drivers of Forest Cover Change, University of Zurich, Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics, 2023. (Master's Thesis)
Shana Meier, Nachhaltigkeitskriterien im Prozess der Unternehmenskreditvergabe durch Banken. Die Rolle der asymmetrischen Informationsverteilung., University of Zurich, Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics, 2023. (Bachelor's Thesis)
Nachhaltige Firmenkredite sind ein aufkommendes Thema im Schweizer Kreditmarkt.
Zusätzlich zur Kreditfähigkeit und -würdigkeit beinhaltet die Bonitätsprüfung
eine Nachhaltigkeitskomponente, wodurch die Informationengrundmenge steigt. Somit
ist die Forschungsfrage naheliegend, ob sich die Informationsasymmetrien zwischen
Kreditgeber und -nehmer vergrössern, sobald ein Kredit als nachhaltig deklariert
wird. Zur Beantwortung der Forschungsfrage wird eine qualitative Forschungsmethode
angewendet, wobei Experten aus vier verschiedenen Schweizer Banken interviewt
werden. Der Fokus liegt auf den Nachhaltigkeitskriterien und deren Einfluss
auf die Informationsasymmetrien. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Informationsasymmetrien
bei nachhaltigen Krediten tendenziell schwächer wirken, da das zu finanzierende
Unternehmen genauer analysiert wird und somit eine engere Kundenbeziehung
entsteht. |
Sven Zaugg, Marc Chesney, Wie die CS das Vertrauen der Kunden zurückgewinnen kann, In: SRF, 16 March 2023. (Media Coverage)
Julian Kölbel, Adrien-Paul Lambillon, Who Pays for Sustainability? An Analysis of Sustainability-Linked Bonds, In: Swiss Finance Institute Research Paper, No. 23-07, 2023. (Working Paper)
We examine the novel phenomenon of sustainability-linked bonds (SLBs). These bonds’ coupon is linked to the issuer achieving a predetermined sustainability performance target. We estimate the yield differential between SLBs and non-sustainable counterfactuals by matching bonds from the same issuer. Our results show that in most cases investors pay for the improvement in sustainability, while issuers benefit from a sustainability premium. Our analysis suggests that the sustainability premium is larger for bonds with a higher coupon step-up and for callable bonds. We also show that there is a ‘free lunch’ for some SLB issuers, as their financial savings are higher than the potential penalty, and they have a call option to reduce this penalty. While our findings suggest that most SLBs incentivize sustainability improvements by offering a lower cost of capital, some companies that do not benefit from a sustainability premium seem to issue SLBs to signal their commitment to sustainability targets. The ‘free lunch’ however suggests that SLBs can also be a form of greenwashing, when they are issued purely for financial optimization without a real commitment to carry out sustainability improvements. |
Katariina Reinikainen, Real-Option Valuation of a Capital-Investment Project in Sustainable Aviation Fuel Production, University of Zurich, Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics, 2023. (Master's Thesis)
To curb CO2 emissions to limit the effects of climate change, a global shift towards the uptake of Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF) is needed. The literature review summarizes the status quo in the production of SAF. In the experimental part, a capital investment project for pro-duction of SAF is valued as a real option (RO), and RO value is contrasted with Net Present Value (NPV). Several cost and cash flow cases are calculated, with several combinations of parameters in the option model. The results show that project is unprofitable, but the RO value behaves as predicted by the theory. |
Alberto Notaro, The Performance and Flows of Sustainable Actively Managed Mutual Funds during the COVID-19 Crisis, University of Zurich, Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics, 2023. (Master's Thesis)
This study investigates how sustainability ratings affect the performances and flows of actively
managed funds during a period of unprecedented market disruption, namely the COVID-19
crisis. This is achieved through two regression analyses on an extensive panel data. Despite
some of the results with difficult interpretation, the overall research shows a positive impact
of sustainability ratings on funds’ performances, and a negative one on funds’ flows. These
findings are partially in line with the theory that wants sustainability to be a “luxury good”,
relinquishable during a crisis, but could at the same time represent evidence of how sustainable
approaches offer potentially better performances during market crashes. |
Timon Stoop, Blended Finance for Agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa - The strategies of Fund Managers, University of Zurich, Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics, 2023. (Master's Thesis)
In sub-Saharan Africa exists a large financing gap in the agricultural sector. The study investigates whether development finance influences the investment strategies of blended finance funds to mobilise additional private investments. For the exploratory study, fourteen semi-structured interviews were conducted, twelve with managers of blended finance funds active in agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa. The interviews were analysed using MAXQDA. The results show that development finance acts as a catalyst for the funds’ implementations. The fund managers state that without development finance their strategies would not be implementable whereby they use blended finance instruments to improve private investors’ risk-return profiles |
Jonathan Fu, Annette Krauss, Preparing fertile ground: how does the quality of business environments affect MSE growth?, Small Business Economics, 2023. (Journal Article)
We study how the quality of local business environments helps explain growth outcomes of micro- and small enterprise microfinance clients by drawing on long-term nationwide administrative data and a policy shock in Cambodia. The staggered launch of special economic zones, which we link to positive shocks to the business environment on both the demand and supply side, leads to significantly increased employment in micro- and small enterprises (MSEs) located in these special economic zones (SEZs), compared to enterprises in contextually similar districts that are unexposed to an SEZ. Key channels explaining the improved growth outcomes include expanded access to external markets for the enterprises’ goods and services, more dynamic labor environments, and improved credit terms and conditions. To broaden the relevance of our findings, we combine data from prominent empirical studies on microfinance and demonstrate how related business conditions identified in the enterprise growth literature help explain differences in client business outcomes found in their results. Policy implications are that a smaller but influential segment of microfinance borrowers significantly benefit from opportunities provided by improved local business environments and that governments and lenders can play active roles in facilitating the necessary improvements for such MSEs. |
Carlos Vargas, Marc Chesney, What are you waiting to invest in grid-connected residential photovoltaics in California?, Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment, Vol. 13 (1), 2023. (Journal Article)
The purpose of this paper is to assess the optimal choice of an investor, a typical household in California, United States, in terms of whether to invest or not, in a residential scale, grid-connected, solar photovoltaic system, aiming to obtain savings in their monthly electric expenses. If they invest, they shoulder a fixed upfront cost but also accept uncertain potential savings. If they do not invest, they forego any potential savings. To assess this irreversible decision, Real Options Analysis is deployed to assess the actual benefit for the household. This approach allows us to determine whether to trigger the investments and the optimal timing to do so. Our findings show it is optimal for our investor to invest in photovoltaics; however, some delay might be advised depending on the energy production factor of specific geographical areas and the expected useful life of the equipment. The results of this study also show that it might be optimal to delay the investment between 5.5 and 12 years in some areas, which is a drawback. Our findings also show that subsidies and other incentives do not seem to be a key driver in the above-mentioned investment decision. This study contributes to the existing literature by examining the present dynamic of residential grid-connected photovoltaic systems in the most relevant market for the United States and by including an assessment of uncertainty in both electric rates and photovoltaics prices, that accounts for seasonality, price escalation and price manipulation. |
Stefan Lamberg, The influence of ECB and SNB announcements on the Euro-Swiss Franc exchange rate , University of Zurich, Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics, 2022. (Bachelor's Thesis)
This paper analyzes high-frequency exchange rate movements of the euro
Swiss franc exchange rate in response to monetary policy announcements by
the European Central Bank and the Swiss National Bank. Thereby, the general
e↵ect, the comparison between banks and di↵erent types of monetary
policy (conventional/unconventional), and market efficiency are examined.
The data show that announcements by the two central banks significantly
impact the EUR/CHF exchange rate from 15 minutes before to 1 hour after
the announcement, with the first minute after the announcement triggering
the most significant reactions, which illustrates the high efficiency of the foreign
exchange market. No significant di↵erences were found between the ECB
and SNB announcements. Reactions to unconventional announcements have
a higher standard deviation than conventional announcements and therefore
have significant e↵ects more often. However, these are not detectable in a
mean value observation. |
Stefan Lamberg, The influence of ECB and SNB announcements on the Euro-Swiss Franc exchange rate , University of Zurich, Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics, 2022. (Bachelor's Thesis)
This paper analyzes high-frequency exchange rate movements of the euro
Swiss franc exchange rate in response to monetary policy announcements by
the European Central Bank and the Swiss National Bank. Thereby, the general
e↵ect, the comparison between banks and di↵erent types of monetary
policy (conventional/unconventional), and market efficiency are examined.
The data show that announcements by the two central banks significantly
impact the EUR/CHF exchange rate from 15 minutes before to 1 hour after
the announcement, with the first minute after the announcement triggering
the most significant reactions, which illustrates the high efficiency of the foreign
exchange market. No significant di↵erences were found between the ECB
and SNB announcements. Reactions to unconventional announcements have
a higher standard deviation than conventional announcements and therefore
have significant e↵ects more often. However, these are not detectable in a
mean value observation. |
Tim Graber, Nachhaltigkeitsvergleich bedeutender Zentralbanken, University of Zurich, Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics, 2022. (Bachelor's Thesis)
Florian Berger, Julian Kölbel, Roberto Rigobon, Aggregate Confusion: The Divergence of ESG Ratings, Review of Finance, Vol. 26 (6), 2022. (Journal Article)
This paper investigates the divergence of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) ratings based on data from six prominent ESG rating agencies: Kinder, Lydenberg, and Domini (KLD), Sustainalytics, Moody’s ESG (Vigeo-Eiris), S&P Global (RobecoSAM), Refinitiv (Asset4), and MSCI. We document the rating divergence and map the different methodologies onto a common taxonomy of categories. Using this taxonomy, we decompose the divergence into contributions of scope, measurement, and weight. Measurement contributes 56% of the divergence, scope 38%, and weight 6%. Further analyzing the reasons for measurement divergence, we detect a rater effect where a rater’s overall view of a firm influences the measurement of specific categories. The results call for greater attention to how the data underlying ESG ratings are generated. |
Marc Chesney, CS: la débâcle de Casino Suisse, In: Le Temps, p. online, 14 October 2022. (Newspaper Article)
Il n’est pas acceptable que pouvoirs publics comme analystes financiers aient fermé les yeux si longtemps sur les pertes à répétition de Credit Suisse (qui n’ont pas empêché de fortes rémunérations) car au final ce sont les contribuables qui paieraient la casse le cas échéant, avertit le professeur d’économie. |
Naomi Gerber, Gender diversity on the board of directors and ESG performance in banking - an analysis of European banks, University of Zurich, Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics, 2022. (Bachelor's Thesis)
This thesis examines the effect of board gender diversity on European banks’ ESG
performances while considering endogeneity. The findings of the GMM on a significant
positive effect highlight the importance of increasing the share of female directors in
creating a sustainable banking sector. However, the positive connection is neither due to
stereotypical characteristics of women nor a significant gap in values between genders of
directors. Rather differences in skills and backgrounds caused by the double glass ceiling
are a valid explanation. We conclude that banks should focus on overall board diversity,
not just on the gender of their board members. |
Alexandra Stühff, Falko Paetzold, Julian Kölbel, Florian Heeb, Stefan Zeisberger, Nachhaltige Anlagen: Die Wirkung ist egal. Wichtig ist vor allem das gute Gefühl, In: NZZ, 16 September 2022. (Media Coverage)
Privatanleger investieren gerne in nachhaltige Produkte. Der Markt wächst seit Jahren zweistellig. Auch in der Schweiz. Aber wie leicht lassen sich Anleger für das gute Gewissen ködern und sich das Geld aus der Tasche ziehen? Eine neue Studie der HSG und der Universität Zürich lässt aufhorchen. |
Mrinal Mishra, Vasso Ioannidou, Jonathan Fu, Don’t Stay Put: Ride the (Credit) Wave, In: Centre for Banking Research Working Paper Series, Bayes Business School, No. WP 02/22, 2022. (Working Paper)
Information asymmetries and enforcement problems often limit commercial lenders’ entry into low-income markets. Using detailed credit registry data with more than 32 million bank-borrower loan observations, we study the “failed” entry of commercial lenders into Bolivia’s microfinance market in the mid-1990s, which led to an over-indebtedness crisis. Tracing borrowers’ credit outcomes for nearly 10 years, we find that despite the commercial lenders’ poorly adapted lending technologies, stronger adverse selection, and moral hazard problems, the increase in competition carried significant short-term and long-term credit benefits to borrowers by forcing microfinance institutions to improve their loan terms and reduce rents. |
Samuel Suter, Outreach and financial performance in financial inclusion: Evidence from recent data, University of Zurich, Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics, 2022. (Master's Thesis)
Whether pursuing its true mission and reaching out to the poor is profit enhancing for
financial service providers within the financial inclusion industry or not, is subject to a
controversial debate in research and practice. A panel data analysis, running multivari-
ate regression models, finds strong evidence suggesting that more depth of outreach is
associated with higher operating costs for the financial service providers. The results
also show that more depth of outreach is associated with earning higher yields on the
portfolios. As The financial return is influenced by both these figures, the two findings
lead to no effect on the financial return. Thus, more depth of outreach does not translate
into neither higher or lower financial return. These findings could explain the divergence
in the existing literature regarding the effect of outreach on financial performance. |
Thomas Meier, Swiss sight deposit exemption thresholds and the SARON, University of Zurich, Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics, 2022. (Bachelor's Thesis)
Since the introduction of negative interest rates, several major central banks have used reserve
tiering systems to lower the profitability pressure on banks.
This study empirically investigates
the effect of exemption threshold changes on the Swiss Average Rate Overnight (SARON), using a
segmented regression approach, paired with an autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA)
model. The study examines two unique exemption threshold changes in 2019 and 2020 using an
intraday SARON time series combined with daily trading volumes on the Swiss secured money
market. The main results of this study consist of a significant positive relation found between an
exemption threshold change and the SARON. Additionally, an exemption threshold change seems to
trigger a rebalancing process, which in turn results in a significantly higher trading volume compared
to the pre-change-period. Thus, by adjusting the exemption threshold, the SNB can influence the
SARON and stimulate the liquidity on the secured money market. |
Sylvie Belzer, Marc Chesney, La place financière suisse est-elle une bonne élève en matière de transition climatique?, In: RTS.ch, 30 August 2022. (Media Coverage)
Pour la première fois, une étude a mesuré les engagements du secteur financier suisse en matière de transition climatique. Selon cette dernière, plus de 60% des établissements membres de l'Association suisse des banquiers ont pris des engagements pour le climat. |