Contributions published at Foundations of Business Administration and Theories of the Firm (Andreas Scherer)

Kushtrim Thaçi, Der Einfluss von CEO Emotionen auf die Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie von multinationalen Unternehmen am Beispiel von Volkswagen und Tesla, University of Zurich, Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics, 2020. (Master's Thesis)
Show abstractFlorian Überbacher, Andreas Scherer, Indirect Compellence and Institutional Change: U.S. Extraterritorial Law Enforcement and the Erosion of Swiss Banking Secrecy, Administrative Science Quarterly, Vol. 65 (3), 2020. (Journal Article)
Emmanuelle Reuter, Florian Überbacher, Andreas Scherer, General Deterrence of Systemic International Misconduct: The Role of Firms’ Territoriality Beliefs, In: Academy of Management Annual Conference (OMT). 2020. (Conference Presentation)
Dorothee Winkler, Florian Überbacher, Andreas Scherer, Organizational Legitimation in a Polarized Media Landscape: The Role of Robust Organizational Impression Management, In: Academy of Management Annual Meeting . 2020. (Conference Presentation)
Robin Schnider, The Deliberative Coase Theorem: An Externality-Based View on CSR, In: Society for Business Ethics (SBE) 2020 virtual conference. 2020. (Conference Presentation)
Show abstractDorothee Winkler, Florian Überbacher, Andreas Scherer, Organizational Legitimation in a Polarized Media Landscape: The Role of Robust Organizational Impression Management, Academy of Management. Proceedings (1), 2020. (Journal Article)
Fiona Marti, Die Korruptionsskandale der FIFA und des IOC: Eine qualitative Analyse der gewählten Legitimitätsstrategien und derer öffentlicher Wahrnehmung, University of Zurich, Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics, 2020. (Bachelor's Thesis)
Sarah Schwarz, Datenschutz bei Datenriesen: Ein Umfrageexperiment zur Wirkung von Werbung auf die Reputation für den Schutz der Privatsphäre am Beispiel von Apple, University of Zurich, Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics, 2020. (Master's Thesis)
Dana Olga Entenza Tilves, Clarifying the conditions for field-Level institutional work success: A social movement field example, In: 36thEGOS Colloquium . 2020. (Conference Presentation)
Robin Schnider, Nadine Hietschold, Andreas Scherer, Christian Vögtlin, The effects of female-only competitions on social innovation, In: virtual European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium 2020. 2020. (Conference Presentation)
Andreas Scherer, Christian Vögtlin, Günter Stahl, Responsible Innovation for Sustainable Development, In: 36th EGOS colloquium . 2020. (Conference Presentation)
Lisa Fotsch, Der Einfluss von Kultur auf den Erfolg von Legitimationsstrategien: Der Fall "Schindler in Japan", University of Zurich, Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics, 2020. (Bachelor's Thesis)
Fabian Schnell, The role of framing contests in the maintenance of the Swiss domestic banking secrecy institution, University of Zurich, Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics, 2020. (Bachelor's Thesis)
Florian Überbacher, Andreas Scherer, A Performative Perspective on Institutional Disruption: Investigating Regulatory De-Capturing in the U.K. Corporate Taxation Field, In: CBS Workshop on Corporate Tax Practice and Inequality. 2020. (Conference Presentation)
Robin Schnider, Patrick Haack, Andreas Scherer, Legitimacy Judgement Formation as Deliberation: Evidence from Experiments on Corporate Tax Avoidance, In: virtual workshop on “Corporate Tax Practice and Inequality” hosted by Copenhagen Business School. 2020. (Conference Presentation)
Julia Pfau, Wie lässt sich eine Organisationstheorie der Resonanz entwickeln und inwiefern trägt sie zu einem gelingenden Leben bei? Entwurf und Falsifizierung einer der Spätmoderne gerecht werdenden Organisationstheorie, University of Zurich, Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics, 2020. (Master's Thesis)
Andreas Scherer, Christian Vögtlin, Corporate Governance for Responsible Innovation: Approaches to Corporate Governance and Their Implications for Sustainable Development, The Academy of Management Perspectives, Vol. 34 (2), 2020. (Journal Article)
Tanja Schwarz, Der Wandel der dominanten institutionellen Logik von International Nongovernmental Organizations (INGOs) am Beispiel der FIFA, University of Zurich, Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics, 2020. (Bachelor's Thesis)
Robin Schnider, Patrick Haack, Andreas Scherer, Legitimacy judgment formation as deliberation: Evidence from experiments on corporate tax avoidance, In: VHB Annual Meeting 2020 (WK STEU). 2020. (Conference Presentation)
Emmanuelle Reuter, Florian Überbacher, Andreas Scherer, Territory beliefs and the general deterrence of transnational misconduct: Swiss Banks’ responses to U.S. law enforcement against some peers, In: VHB Annual Meeting 2020 (WK ORG). 2020. (Conference Presentation)