Contributions published at Foundations of Business Administration and Theories of the Firm (Andreas Scherer)

Show abstractChristian Vögtlin, Andreas Scherer, Günter Stahl, Olga Hawn, Donald Siegel, Grand Societal Challenges and Responsible Innovation, Journal of Management Studies, Vol. 59 (1), 2022. (Journal Article)
Patricia Hermann, The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the globalization discourse in the Swiss public sphere: A frame analysis, University of Zurich, Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics, 2021. (Master's Thesis)
Oliver Schwertfeger, Fördernd oder hemmend? Wie sich international operierende Unternehmen auf die Entwicklung ihres Gastlandes auswirken und wovon deren Auswirkungen abhängen, University of Zurich, Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics, 2021. (Bachelor's Thesis)
Florian Überbacher, Andreas Scherer, Julia Grimm, A dramaturgical perspective on social movement framing and institutional disruption: Investigating regulatory de-capturing in the U.K. corporate taxation field, In: VHB, 45th Workshop der Kommission Organisation. 2021. (Conference Presentation)
Bennet Schwoon, Dennis Schoeneborn, Andreas Scherer, Enacting a grand challenge for business and society: Media discourse and institutional responses to COVID-19 in three national contexts, In: 45th VHB WK Organization Annual Conference 2021. 2021. (Conference Presentation)
Dana Olga Entenza Tilves, Framing sustainable practices towards mainstream: A dynamic consideration of the role of power, In: Strategic Management Society Annual Conference. 2021. (Conference Presentation)
Jens Marquart, Cornelia Fast, Julia Grimm, Non- and sub-state action in post-Paris climate governance: Review of a contested field, In: 2021 Conference on Earth System Governance. 2021. (Conference Presentation)
Stephanie Schrage, Marco Berti, Julia Grimm, How power imbalances in global value chains manifest pragmatic paradoxes: Studying inter-organisational collaboration for social sustainability, In: 12th International Symposium on Process Organization Studies. 2021. (Conference Presentation)
Laura Hofmann, Einfluss des Steuerungssystems auf das Krisenmanagement einer Grand Challenge am Beispiel von China und der Schweiz im Rahmen der COVID-19 Pandemie, University of Zurich, Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics, 2021. (Bachelor's Thesis)
Fatima Ahmed, Corona management by the Pakistani Government – An analysis of the interaction between government and interest groups and its impact on the crisis management , University of Zurich, Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics, 2021. (Bachelor's Thesis)
Jens Marquart, Cornelia Fast, Julia Grimm, Non- and sub-state action in post-Paris climate governance: Review of a contested field, In: 81st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. 2021. (Conference Presentation)
Robin Schnider, Patrick Haack, Andreas Scherer, Deliberation for legitimation: Evidence from experiments on corporate tax avoidance, In: 81st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (OMT division). 2021. (Conference Presentation)
Dana Olga Entenza Tilves, Framing sustainable practices towards mainstream: A dynamic consideration of the role of power, In: Society for Business Ethics Annual Conference. 2021. (Conference Presentation)
Bennet Schwoon, Stefan Schembera, Andreas Scherer, Macro-,Meso-, and Micro-level explanations for institutionalizing online hate speech governance at traditional media organizations: The case of the Swiss TX Group, In: 37th EGOS Colloquium "Organizing for an Inclusive Society: Meanings, Motivations & Mechanisms". 2021. (Conference Presentation)
Robin Schnider, Nadine Hietschold, Andreas Scherer, Christian Vögtlin, The effects of female-only competitions on entrepreneurship and social innovation, In: European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium 2021. 2021. (Conference Presentation)
Dana Olga Entenza Tilves, Mainstreaming sustainable practices: A dynamic consideration of the role of power and framing in institutionalization processes, In: 37th EGOS Colloquium. 2021. (Conference Presentation)
Jens Marquart, Cornelia Fast, Julia Grimm, Non- and sub-state action in post-Paris climate governance: Review of a contested field, In: 37th EGOS Colloquium. 2021. (Conference Presentation)
Stephanie Schrage, Marco Berti, Julia Grimm, How power imbalances in global value chains manifest pragmatic paradoxes: Studying inter-organisational collaboration for social sustainability, In: 37th EGOS Colloquium. 2021. (Conference Presentation)
Kaj Reinthaler, Walk the Talk: CEO Aktivismus und CSR-Implementierungsmassnahmen am Beispiel von Fallstudien von US-Unternehmen , University of Zurich, Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics, 2021. (Master's Thesis)
Benjamin Baumann, Performativität durch Multimodalität: Eine Fallstudie zum Einsatz visueller Inhalte in der Krisenkommunikation in Schweizer Medien, University of Zurich, Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics, 2021. (Bachelor's Thesis)