Contributions published at Foundations of Business Administration and Theories of the Firm (Andreas Scherer)

Cristina Neesham, Thomas Donaldson, Andreas Scherer, Marian Eabrasu, Sarah Golzer, Abraham Singer, Exploring Digital Transformation with Philosophical Methods, In: Academy of Management Annual Conference. 2019. (Conference Presentation)
Show abstractDaniel Beunza Ibanez, Mark R. DesJardine, Andrea Lagna, Daniel Beunza Ibanez, Derek Harmon, Paula Jarzabkowski, Emilio Marti, Andreas Scherer, Finance in Organization Theory: State of the Art and Future Research Agenda, In: Academy of Management Annual Conference, Academy of Management. 2019. (Conference Presentation)
Florian Überbacher, Andreas Scherer, A Performative Perspective On Institutional Disruption: Investigating Regulatory De-Capturing in the U.K. Corporate Tax Avoidance Field, In: Academy of Management Annual Conference, Academy of Management. 2019. (Conference Presentation)
Show abstractNadine Hietschold, Christian Vögtlin, Andreas Scherer, Joel Gehman, What do we know and don't know about social innovation: a multi-level review and research agenda, In: Academy of Management Annual Conference, Academy of Management. 2019. (Conference Presentation)
Jeanne Hopbach, Data protection and legitimacy in the age of digitalization: an analysis of the Facebook and Cambridge Analytica scandal, University of Zurich, Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics, 2019. (Bachelor's Thesis)
Emily Bauer, The influence of technology on the fight against corruption at SMEs, University of Zurich, Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics, 2019. (Bachelor's Thesis)
Philippe Ugolini, Wertgenerierung und Wertzerstörung in der Sharing Economy, University of Zurich, Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics, 2019. (Bachelor's Thesis)
Emmanuelle Reuter, Florian Überbacher, Andreas Scherer, In the territoral trap: Swiss private banks' responses to transnational institutional complexity, In: 35th EGOS colloquium . 2019. (Conference Presentation)
Lena Gubser, Die Grenzen von Social Consumerism: Ein Experiment zum Verhalten von Wählern vs. Konsumenten, University of Zurich, Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics, 2019. (Bachelor's Thesis)
Dorothee Winkler, Florian Überbacher, Andreas Scherer, Maintaining organizational legitimacy during ideological disruptions and societal divisions: the role of robust organizational identity work, In: VHB Annual Meeting. 2019. (Conference Presentation)
Dorothee Winkler, Florian Überbacher, Andreas Scherer, Maintaining legitimacy in a divided society: the role of robust organizational impression management, In: 1st German Academic Association for Business Research (VHB Jahrestagung). 2019. (Conference Presentation)
Martyna Magdalen Kruszynska , Rhetorische Strategien und die Erhaltung nationaler Institutionen trotz transnationaler institutioneller Veränderungen: Eine Analyse am Beispiel der Debatte über die Beibehaltung des Schweizer Bankgeheimnisses für Inländer, University of Zurich, Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics, 2019. (Bachelor's Thesis)
Rabia Yilmaz , How Swiss banks responded to US extraterritorial law: An institutionalist perspective, University of Zurich, Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics, 2019. (Bachelor's Thesis)
Stefan Schembera, Andreas Scherer, Institutional and Emotional Dynamics on the Dark Side of Legitimacy: The Case of Anti-Corruption at Internationally Operating SMEs, In: 2nd ISME Workshop and Conference on Internationalization of SMEs in the Digital Age – Opportunities and Threats. 2019. (Conference Presentation)
Naraya Imgrüth, Datenschutz im B2C-E-Commerce: Eine empirische Analyse der Auswirkungen der EU-Datenschutzgrundverordnung auf das Konsumentenvertrauen, University of Zurich, Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics, 2019. (Bachelor's Thesis)
Show abstractAnselm Schneider, Andreas Scherer, State Governance Beyond the ‘Shadow of Hierarchy’: A social mechanisms perspective on governmental CSR policies, Organization Studies, Vol. 40 (8), 2019. (Journal Article)
Florian Überbacher, Andreas Scherer, Frame performance and the disruption of regulatory capture in the corporate tax avoidance field, In: VHB WK Organization Workshop. 2019. (Conference Presentation)
Mischa Haberthür, Hannah Trittin, Andreas Scherer, Big business or social harm? Towards a responsible governance perspective on Big Data, In: VHB WK Organization Workshop. 2019. (Conference Presentation)
Luca Brun, Eine Framing-Analyse über den Rohstoffhandel in der Schweiz am Beispiel von Glencore und ihrer Kohleförderung in Kolumbien, University of Zurich, Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics, 2019. (Bachelor's Thesis)
Robin Schnider, Patrick Haack, Andreas Scherer, Legitimacy judgment formation as deliberation: evidence from experiments on corporate tax avoidance, In: invited presentation, Technical University of Munich. 2019. (Conference Presentation)