Contributions published at Responsibility in Finance (Carmen Tanner)

Show abstractFabio Suter, Können «Contemplation Questions» und «Regulatory Focus» die Entscheidungsfähigkeit unterstützen?, University of Zurich, Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics, 2023. (Bachelor's Thesis)
Show abstractGloria Pünchera, Overcoming Blind Spots: Triggering Awareness Through Contemplation Questions, University of Zurich, Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics, 2023. (Bachelor's Thesis)
Show abstractMathieu Jaquet, Enron - Eine Fallstudie aus verhaltensethischer Sicht, University of Zurich, Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics, 2023. (Bachelor's Thesis)
Show abstractThiago Miguel Ottavio Semadeni, Der Mosambikkredit: Die Verschuldung eines ganzen Landes aufgrund der Credit Suisse, University of Zurich, Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics, 2023. (Bachelor's Thesis)
Show abstractDavid Schmocker, Carmen Tanner, Johannes Katsarov, Markus Christen, Moral sensitivity in business: A revised measure, Current Psychology, Vol. 42 (12), 2023. (Journal Article)
Show abstractDominik Schaad, Verhaltensethische Analyse des VW Abgasskandals , University of Zurich, Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics, 2023. (Bachelor's Thesis)
Redaktion, Carmen Tanner, Die Bonikultur schafft Anreize, hohe Risiken einzugehen, In: OEC ALUMNI UZH, 30 June 2022. (Media Coverage)
Show abstractStefan Linder, Matthias Sohn, Carmen Tanner, Sind wir eigentlich alle korrupt?, In: Wirtschaftspsychologie Heute, p. online, 28 April 2022. (Newspaper Article)
Redaktion, Carmen Tanner, Gefängnis für Pierin Vincenz – jetzt werden Manager und Banken vorsichtiger sein, In: ZüriToday, 13 April 2022. (Media Coverage)
Carmen Tanner, Julia Smith, Matthias Sohn, Stefan Linder, What Kind of Person Can Resist Corruption?, In: The New Nation, p. online, 21 March 2022. (Newspaper Article)
Julia Smith, Stefan Linder, Matthias Sohn, Carmen Tanner, What Kind of Person Can Resist Corruption?: New research finds our moral commitment impacts how we react, In: Psychology Today, p. online, 15 March 2022. (Newspaper Article)
Show abstractCarmen Tanner, David Schmocker, Johannes Katsarov, Markus Christen, Educating moral sensitivity in business: An experimental study to evaluate the effectiveness of a serious moral game, Computers and Education, Vol. 178, 2022. (Journal Article)
Show abstractSebastian Paul, Carmen Tanner, Jetzt mal ehrlich, In: ZU/Daily, 25 January 2022. (Media Coverage)
Show abstractCarmen Tanner, Stefan Linder, Matthias Sohn, Does moral commitment predict resistance to corruption? experimental evidence from a bribery game, PLoS ONE, Vol. 17 (1), 2022. (Journal Article)
Show abstractClaudia Rey, Carmen Tanner, Der Grat zwischen Denunziantentum und Zivilcourage ist schmal - aber entscheidend, In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 31 August 2021. (Media Coverage)
Show abstractDjurdjina Stojanovic, Wie unterscheiden sich die Geschlechter bezüglich Investitionsentscheidungen?, University of Zurich, Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics, 2021. (Bachelor's Thesis)
Show abstractLuana Schelbert, Cum-Ex Skandal: Eine Betrachtung auf verhaltensethischer Ebene, University of Zurich, Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics, 2021. (Bachelor's Thesis)
Show abstractCarmen Tanner, David Schmocker, Johannes Katsarov, Markus Christen, Educating moral sensitivity in business: An experimental study to evaluate the effectiveness of a serious moral game, In: SSRN, No. 3838222, 2021. (Working Paper)
Giulia Bearth, Carmen Tanner, Worauf es bei Zivilcourage ankommt – und wieso Wut dabei nützlich ist, In:, 28 April 2021. (Media Coverage)
Show abstractRajna Gibson, Carmen Tanner, Alexander Wagner, Moral commitment: Does it reduce or enhance the response to social norms? Evidence from an experiment on earnings management, In: Swiss Finance Institute Research Paper, No. 15-01, 2021. (Working Paper)