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Contribution Details

Type Master's Thesis
Scope Discipline-based scholarship
Title Timestone: A user interface for navigating the history of experimental designs
Organization Unit
  • Julian Iff
  • Chatchavan Wacharamanotham
  • English
Institution University of Zurich
Faculty Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics
Date 2019
Abstract Text When conducting an experiment in Human-Computer Interaction a researcher frequently needs to make informed decisions regarding their design. They need to weight the cost of adding more participants and be aware of the trade-offs that emerge. To support the decision-making process especially for novice users this thesis presents the timestone history extension for Touchstone2. With this extension a user can now revisit experiments and annotate important decisions, compare multiple designs in one go and get support from a recommendation prototype on what could be considered next. For a developer, Touchstone2 is now easily extendible through a component-based project structure and researchers can compare multiple design histories on one screen to see how the different experimental design was created. The structure of the thesis first explains the refactoring. In the first chapter, it is described with a focus on project structure, application structure, and implemented modules. Then three interaction logging studies are described with their goals, participants, methodology tasks and results. With the help of this data and the observed interactions, a history module was implemented and further explained. With the recommendation Module chapter, this thesis ends the implementation details. The following conclusion and future work put the thesis into a broader context.
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