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Contribution Details

Type Conference Presentation
Scope Discipline-based scholarship
Title Dynamic OCE Choice: Time Consistency and the Separation of Time and Risk
Organization Unit
  • Felix Kübler
  • Larry Selden
  • Xiao Wei
Presentation Type paper
Item Subtype Original Work
Refereed Yes
Status Published electronically before print/final form (Epub ahead of print)
  • English
Event Title 34th Annual Congress of the European Economic Association
Event Type conference
Event Location Manchester UK
Event Start Date August 26 - 2019
Event End Date August 30 - 2019
Abstract Text No existing dynamic preference model can simultaneously satisfy time consistency, the full separation of time and risk preferences, and temporal resolution of risk indi§erence. In the context of consumption-saving and consumption-portfolio optimization problems, we derive necessary and sufÖcient conditions such that all three of these properties are satisÖed by the dynamic ordinal certainty equivalent (DOCE) preference structure axiomatized in Selden and Stux (1978). These conditions ensure that DOCE resolute, naive and sophisticated consumption and asset demands are (i) identical and (ii) the same as the demands generated by Kreps and Porteus (1978) (KP) preferences. When the conditions are violated, the elasticity of intertemporal substitution can play a key role in determining whether axiomatic di§erences between the DOCE and KP preference models imply signiÖcantly di§erent demand behavior.
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