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Contribution Details

Type Conference Presentation
Scope Discipline-based scholarship
Title Dynamic currency hedging strategy with a common market factor non-Gaussian returns model
Organization Unit
  • Urban Ulrych
  • Erich Walter Farkas
  • Pawel Polak
Presentation Type speech
Item Subtype Original Work
Refereed Yes
Status Published electronically before print/final form (Epub ahead of print)
  • English
Event Title International Conference on Econometrics and Statistics
Event Type conference
Event Location Taichung (Taiwan)
Event Start Date June 25 - 2019
Event End Date June 27 - 2019
Abstract Text A new foreign currency hedging strategy for international investors is motivated and studied. Model-free optimal foreign currency exposures for a risk averse investor are derived. Based on those, and assuming a very flexible non-Gaussian returns model for currency and portfolio returns, we build a dynamic currency hedging strategy. In the context of our model, each element of the vector return at time $t$ is endowed with a common univariate shock, interpretable as a common market factor. It is shown that this mixing random variable plays the role of ambiguity (uncertainty about the return distribution), where its magnitude is expressed through the size of the market factor's conditional variance. Using the derived theoretical model and the proposed dynamic hedging strategy, an out of sample back test on the historical market data is performed. The results show that the approach yields a robust and highly risk reductive hedging strategy, obtainable with low transaction costs.
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