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Contribution Details

Type Conference Presentation
Scope Discipline-based scholarship
Title Leading the way to inequality? The power and (identity) politics of collaboration in the digital age
Organization Unit
  • Jamie Lee Gloor
  • Brooke Gazdag
Presentation Type paper
Item Subtype Original Work
Refereed Yes
Status Published electronically before print/final form (Epub ahead of print)
  • English
Event Title Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Leadership Symposium
Event Type conference
Event Location Corfu, Greece
Event Start Date May 16 - 2019
Event End Date May 18 - 2019
Abstract Text The digital age has shaped scientific collaborations, enhancing opportunity and ease of virtual and international collaborations despite language differences and location (Stafford, 2010). Although international collaborations may create better scientific contributions compared with single-authored papers and national-level collaborations (Sugimoto, 2013), these effects may differ based on scholar gender (e.g., see Aguinis, Ji, & Joo, in press; Sugimoto, 2013). To exemplify the recurring theme of IPLS (i.e., leadership) as well as the focus of this particular conference (i.e., politics and power), we identify coauthor networks in a key journal in our field, with a particular focus on scholar gender. We apply networks analysis to identify the “elites” who have the power to drive leadership conversations and connections between scholars. Furthermore, we consider the notion of a “powerful network” in that there may be some scholars who are indirectly influential through their collaborators. In doing so, we consider power in its multiple forms to provide insight into modern scholarly collaboration and (leadership) science creation.
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