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Contribution Details

Type Working Paper
Scope Discipline-based scholarship
Title Some No-Arbitrage Rules for Converging Asset Prices under Short-Sales Constraints
Organization Unit
  • Delia Coculescu
  • Monique Jeanblanc
  • English
Institution University of Zurich
Series Name HAL
Number 01589416
Date 2017
Abstract Text Under short sales prohibitions, no free lunch with vanishing risk (NFLVR-S) is known to be equivalent to the existence of an equivalent supermartingale measure for the price processes (Pulido, 2014). For two given price processes, we translate the property (NFLVR-S) in terms of so called structure conditions and we introduce the concept of fun- damental supermartingale measure. When a certain condition necessary to the construction of the fundamental martingale measure is not fulfilled, we provide the corresponding arbi- trage portfolios. The motivation of our study lies in understanding the particular case of converging prices, i.e., that are going to cross at a bounded random time.
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