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Contribution Details

Type Bachelor's Thesis
Scope Discipline-based scholarship
Title Determining Client Satisfaction of Youth Microfinance Clients: Results from a Primary Data Collection in Mongolia
Organization Unit
  • Stepanka Kralikova
  • Annette Krauss
  • Urs Birchler
  • English
Institution University of Zurich
Faculty Faculty of Economics, Business Administration and Information Technology
Date 2015
Abstract Text The microfinance industry has experienced substantial changes in the last twenty years. The increasing competitiveness has led microfinance institutions (MFI) to increase their focus on understanding their clients’ needs and preferences, and on looking for ways to effectively approach the unbanked poor. The youth represents a large share of the world’s unbanked population making it an important market for MFIs. There is a widespread believe that providing young people with tailored financial services has a positive influence on their lives as well as on the growth of the economy. However, serving young people with financial products and services specifically designed for them is still a rather new practice in developing countries. Mongolia has a relatively high financial services penetration and the MFI, whose clients have been surveyed, is known as one of the pioneers and success stories in terms of youth microfinance.
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