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Contribution Details

Type Master's Thesis
Scope Discipline-based scholarship
Title Contribution of the Tactical Asset Allocation to the Overall Performance of a Portfolio: Using a Z-Score Approach to Combine Value and Momentum
Organization Unit
  • Gian Andri Huber
  • Thorsten Hens
  • English
Institution University of Zurich
Faculty Faculty of Economics, Business Administration and Information Technology
Number of Pages 140
Date 2015
Abstract Text The momentum models provided consistently positive excess returns across two sample periods and across two different portfolios, while the pure value model performed poorly during the out-of-sample period. The non-linear combinations of momentum and value provided the highest excess returns and the lowest risk figures, yet showed inconsis- tent performances during the robustness tests. Meanwhile, the linear combinations of the momentum and value models were able to extract the benefits of their underlying models, and thus provided a frame- work that captures upside potential and limits risks. Furthermore, through the exclusion of negative momentum from the evaluation, the models were able to further reduce risks. These benefits come at the cost of having high average turnovers and thus high transactions costs. Moreover, positive and significant relations between the returns of the models and common global risks have been found, while liquidity risks are very infrequently present.
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