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Contribution Details

Type Bachelor's Thesis
Scope Discipline-based scholarship
Title The Elicitation of Loss Aversion
Organization Unit
  • Victoria Keller
  • Thorsten Hens
  • English
Institution University of Zurich
Faculty Faculty of Economics, Business Administration and Information Technology
Date 2014
Zusammenfassung When faced with a choice, a rational decision maker will prefer the prospect, that offers the highest expected utility1. Loss aversion, however, has an impact on the decision. It describes a behavioural phenomenon, in which individuals are more sensitive to losses than to equivalently sized gains. It is highly relevant in theory as well as in practice. Anchoring and framing influence the already non-rational heuristic of loss aversion even more, thus the actions and utilities of the individuals increase in their irrationality. The anchoring effect appears, when a subject is influenced by an arbitrary value, which affects his/her decision. It subconsciously binds the individuals to a specific value (anchor). The framing effect refers to the decision-maker’s perception of choices, outcomes and contingencies associated with particular decision problems. It therefore has an influence on the decision as well.
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