Contributions published at Banking (Stefano Battiston)

Mark Buchanan, Stefano Battiston, Science strengthened banks — but how long will stability last? , In: Nature, 19 April 2023. (Media Coverage)
Redaktion, Stefano Battiston, Al via «Road to Trento 2023», Italia e Svizzera a confronto, In: L'Adigetto, 2 February 2023. (Media Coverage)
Redaktion, Stefano Battiston, La transizione ecologica tra finanza digitale e sfida energetica: se ne discute a Lugano con Ambasciata e Sole 24 Ore, In: aise, 1 February 2023. (Media Coverage)
Show abstractLucia Alessi, Stefano Battiston, Two sides of the same coin: Green Taxonomy alignment versus transition risk in financial portfolios, International Review of Financial Analysis, Vol. 84, 2022. (Journal Article)
Redaktion, Stefano Battiston, Les nominés des Swiss Sustainable Funds Awards 2022 sont désignés, In: Allnews, 9 May 2022. (Media Coverage)
Redaktion, Stefano Battiston, Die Nominierten für die Swiss Sustainable Funds Awards 2022 stehen fest, In: Moneycab, 9 May 2022. (Media Coverage)
Robert Krcmar, Stefano Battiston, IPCC: per evitare un disastro climatico è «ora o mai più», In: Tio 20 Minuti, 4 April 2022. (Media Coverage)
Sven Titz, Stefano Battiston, Uno-Klimabericht: Die Emissionen steigen langsamer, und die Kosten für emissionsarme Technologien sinken – das reicht aber noch lange nicht, In: NZZ, 4 April 2022. (Media Coverage)
Show abstractStefano Battiston, Giacomo Bressan, Irene Monasterolo, Sustainable investing and climate transition risk: a portfolio rebalancing approach, The Journal of Portfolio Management, Vol. 48 (10), 2022. (Journal Article)
Show abstractAlan Roncoroni, Stefano Battiston, Marco D'Errico, Grzegorz Hałaj, Christoffer Kok, Interconnected banks and systemically important exposures, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Vol. 133, 2021. (Journal Article)
Show abstractEmmanuel Garessus, Stefano Battiston, Nous devons changer notre style de vie, In: Le Temps, 27 September 2021. (Media Coverage)
Show abstractMarco Bardoscia, Paolo Barucca, Stefano Battiston, Fabio Caccioli, Giulio Cimini, Diego Garlaschelli, Fabio Saracco, Tiziano Squartini, Guido Caldarelli, The Physics of Financial Networks, Nature Reviews. Physics, Vol. 3, 2021. (Journal Article)
Show abstractRedaktion, Stefano Battiston, Not without the big money, In: archyde, 13 June 2021. (Media Coverage)
Show abstractStefano Battiston, Luis O L Escobar-Farfán, Serafin Martinez-Jaramillo, Alan Roncoroni, Climate risk and financial stability in the network of banks and investment funds, Journal of Financial Stability, Vol. 54, 2021. (Journal Article)
Show abstractStefano Battiston, Irene Monasterolo, Keywan Riahi, Bas J van Ruijven, Accounting for finance is key for climate mitigation pathways, Science, Vol. 372 (6545), 2021. (Journal Article)
Redaktion, Stefano Battiston, Finanzsystem fehlt in bisherigen Klimaschutzszenarien, In: Solarify, 27 May 2021. (Media Coverage)
Show abstractStefano Battiston, Irene Monasterolo, Le système financier peut faire pencher la dynamique de la transition écologique d’un côté ou de l’autre, In: Le Monde, p. online, 26 May 2021. (Newspaper Article)
Show abstractRedaktion, Stefano Battiston, Missing Role Of Finance In Climate Mitigation Scenarios, In: eurasiareview, 26 May 2021. (Media Coverage)
Show abstractRedaktion, Stefano Battiston, Finanzsystem fehlt in bisherigen Klimaschutzszenarien, In:, 26 May 2021. (Media Coverage)
Stefano Battiston, Irene Monasterolo, Transizione ecologica e rischio finanziario: il ruolo chiave delle aspettative, In: Il Sole 24 Ore, p. online, 24 May 2021. (Newspaper Article)