Contributions published at Quantitative Finance (Marc Chesney)

Show abstractAnca Claudia Pana, Jonathan Gheyssens, Baseline choice and performance implications for REDD, Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy, Vol. 5 (1), 2016. (Journal Article)
Marc Chesney, Jonathan Gheyssens, Anca Claudia Pana, Luca Taschini, Environmental finance and investments, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2016. (Book/Research Monograph)
Redaktion, Marc Chesney, Il aurait fallu diminuer les tailles des banques systémiques, In: RTS Radio La 1ère, 30 December 2015. (Media Coverage)
Marc Chesney, Brigitte Maranghino-Singer, Bessere Bildung statt hohe Boni, In: Tagesanzeiger, p. 1, 29 December 2015. (Newspaper Article)
Marc Chesney, Peter Seele, Toxic Sustainable Companies. A Critique on the Shortcomings of current Corporate Sustainability Ratings and a Definition of "Financial Toxicity", In: 3rd European Responsible Investment & Institutions Conference. 2015. (Conference Presentation)
Neha Arondekar, FIDLEG und FINIG: Überblick und Interpretation der vorgesehenen neuen Gesetzgebung, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics, Business Administration and Information Technology, 2015. (Bachelor's Thesis)
Show abstractClaudia Gnehm, Marc Chesney, Mehr Eigenmittel helfen Volkswirtschaft, In: Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen SRF, 16 November 2015. (Media Coverage)
Alexander Sahm, Insiderhandel: Täterverhalten, Präventionsmassnahmen und Aufdeckung durch Unternehmen und staatliche Institutionen, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics, Business Administration and Information Technology, 2015. (Bachelor's Thesis)
Show abstractFalko Paetzold, Timo Busch, Marc Chesney, More than money: exploring the role of investment advisors for sustainable investing, Annals in Social Responsibility, Vol. 1 (1), 2015. (Journal Article)
Patrick Meyer, An Experimental Investigation of how Financial Complexity Affects Asset Pricing and Risk Sharing in Complete Markets, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics, Business Administration and Information Technology, 2015. (Bachelor's Thesis)
Thomas Füglister, Measuring Informed Trading in the Equity Market: A Horse Race between the PIN and VPIN Measure, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics, Business Administration and Information Technology, 2015. (Master's Thesis)
Jeroen Zandbergen, Sustainable Finance - Barrieren im Retail Banking, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics, Business Administration and Information Technology, 2015. (Bachelor's Thesis)
Serena Bergamini, Risks and Returns of Sustainable and Socially Responsible Indices: Are They Riskier than Their Benchmark?, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics, Business Administration and Information Technology, 2015. (Bachelor's Thesis)
Show abstractMarc Chesney, Remo Crameri, Loriano Mancini, Detecting abnormal trading activities in option markets, Journal of Empirical Finance, Vol. 33, 2015. (Journal Article)
Simon Vogt, Limits to Growth Theory: Comparing Different Models and Mechanisms of Constraint, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics, Business Administration and Information Technology, 2015. (Bachelor's Thesis)
Birgit Mairhuber, Payment Adjustments and Permanence Implications for REDD(+), University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics, Business Administration and Information Technology, 2015. (Master's Thesis)
Maria Ioanna Louizou, Corporate Gender Diversity as an Answer to the Financial Crisis and an Orientation Toward Sustainable Leadership, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics, Business Administration and Information Technology, 2015. (Bachelor's Thesis)
Raphael Zehnder, Marc Chesney, Ethik und Ästhetik der Börse, In: Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen SRF, 27 July 2015. (Media Coverage)
Fabian Smits, Cat-Bonds: Sovereign Cat-Bonds: Eigenheiten und Eignung von Katastrophenanleihen für Staaten, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics, Business Administration and Information Technology, 2015. (Bachelor's Thesis)
Mathilde Farine, Marc Chesney, La réglementation? Trop compliquée pour être applicable, In: LeTemps, 27 June 2015. (Media Coverage)